Our website
compares the prices of any given product which is available on the amazon and
filpkart, thus shows you the result of price available on both site along with
the suitable links. To develop this project we have used the python web
framework known as Django. Web pages
are made using the bootstrap HTML they are web.html and about.html.
fig directories of Project
/PriceCompare directory is the main folder generated by
$ django-admin startproject
Which contains
the manage.py file that helps to run the server and host our web on localhost
/app1 folder is created by a command
$ python manage.py startapp
Here will find
all the required files like views.py, urls.py, etc.
/Template directory
contains all the HTML files
file contains the code which compare the user given data. We have used the selenium module of python to scrap the
web data which are allowed to scrape.
Selenium webdriver is used to automate web application testing. To create
the object of the web driver to use its various functions.
from selenium import webdriver as wb
wbd = wb.Chrome("C:/Users/R
we need to download the chromedriver.exe file these helps the selenium to perform actions
on Chrome browser, ChomeDriver is a standalone server which implements webdriver
protocol for chrome.
We want to scrape the to main web site so
the base url will be
_BASE_URL = "https://www.amazon.in/"
_BASE_URL2 = "https://www.flipkart.com/"
As this links
will open only the home page not the page of the search result of the products that
user enters.
To do that
search_url = _BASE_URL + ("s?k=%s" % (a)) #amazon
search_url2 = _BASE_URL2 + ("search?q=%s" % (a)) #flipkart
This will
concatenate the base URL with the keyword a
that contains the product name which user enters along with the s?k=%s which is part of URLs that
searches for specific given data i.e. a
and same for flipkart.
wbd.get(search_url) #amazon
wbd.get(search_url2) #flipkart
get() method
launches a new browser and opens the specified url in the browser instance.
There are various
methods available to scrape the details from website they are find_elements_by_class_name(),
find_elements_by_tag_name(), find_element_by_id(), find_elements_by_XPATH(),
find_elements_by_linkText(), etc.
But in our
project we have used only find_elements_by_class_name()
price = wbd.find_elements_by_class_name('a-price-whole') #amazon
price2 = wbd.find_elements_by_class_name('_1vC4OE') #flipkart
here class ‘a-price-whole’ of amazon contains the price
of products. It means every product price has the same class name and same class
name '_1vC4OE' of flipkart contain prices of products.
So need to find
only the class name which store the price of product. But this method will
fetch all the prices of those product present after search results as a
list. As we know our actual search result will be the first element of list
p1 = price[0].text #amazon
p2 = price2[0].text #flipkart
.text will
help you get only the text and exclude all the remaining HTML part from it
Hence you will
get the price of your required product
Now in Django
whatever pages are made they should be given path in both the app1/urls.py as
well as in PriceCompare/urls.py file
In app1/urls.py file:
path('', views.home, name='home page'),
This path is for
home page views.home represent the
home() method presents in views.py file
which return render(request, 'web.html')
open web.html page on the browser.
path('expression', views.expression, name='expression value'),
This path expression is form action and method in
views.py file which performs the web scraping of the data
which given by the user as explain above and return the two different prices of
same product render(request, 'web.html',
{'aprice':p1, 'alink':l1, 'fprice':p2, 'flink':l2}) as well as return the search URL so that
the user can directly jump on the specific site to buy the better price
path('about', views.abouts, name='about page'),
This path s for
about page views.abouts represent the
abouts() method presents in views.py
file which return render(request, 'about.html')
open about.html page on browser.
In PriceCompare/urls.py file:
path('', include('app1.urls')),
path('/about', include('app1.urls')),
the first path is of a home page which is the main page of our website so the first parameter is empty so the URL can be and the second path is for the about page so the URL can be
To run the the project we need the command
$ python manage.py runserver
This will launch
the website.
We have developed this project using pycharm
Conclusion: Hence we learn the two more
new concept of python i.e web scrapping and Django
Github link: https://github.com/AmreenKhan1003/PriceCompare.git
Nyc project 🙂